Amazing 5 Ways To Grow In Holiness You Should Know

What is holiness, and how does one grow in holiness? Kong Hee, senior pastor of City Harvest Church, explained this in his message last Sunday.5 Ways To Grow In Holiness

Pastor Kong Hee addressed the church’s vision for 2021 at the beginning of his sermon on the final weekend of January (Jan 30 and 31). He desired for CHC to grow in Christlikeness, practice unconditional love, and become authentic disciples of Jesus in the marketplace.

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Amazing 5 Ways To Grow In Holiness You Should Know


Two fundamental truths were revealed by Pastor Kong: God is light and God is love. He preached, “By stating God is light, it signifies God is holy.” This signifies that God is fully pure and perfect, and that He is always beaming His light on His followers.

The pastor went on to say, “God is love, a holy love.” “Which means that a dirty and insincere love can never suffice for Him.”

God wants His children to be able to enjoy Him indefinitely because He loves them. “Holiness is the foundation of our joy.” Unless you are holy, you will never be able to fully enjoy life. “That joy may be there, but you’ll never be able to enjoy Him and experience the fullness of joy if your life is still plagued by moral infirmities and perversity,” Pastor Kong added.


It doesn’t matter what you eat or how you color your hair; holiness isn’t about following a set of rules. “To be holy, according to the Bible, is to be like Christ. The preacher defined holiness as “Christlikeness.” “Jesus Christ is the absolute essence of God’s being.”

The nine fruits of the Spirit—the character profile of Jesus—were made evident to the Galatians by Paul (Gal 5:22-23). “These are Jesus’ attitudes and dispositions,” the preacher explained. Jesus’ personality, temperament, and mindset are formed by them.

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While church expansion, missions, and marketplace evangelism are vital, Pastor Kong stressed the importance of cultivating these nine fruits so that they might be seen in one’s life. The church cannot develop if there is no love for one another and no joy in serving. There can be no effective evangelism if a person lacks love or patience. There will be no loyalty or dedication in the church if there is no faithfulness or kindness among the members. Instead, there will be hostility and a lack of forgiveness. Even if there is a resurgence in the church, it will not last.

“If you don’t exercise self-control, you lose everything,” he remarked. “Every spiritual blessing we receive in Christ is built on the foundation of Christlikeness.” (Ephesians 1:3–4)

God’s plan is to make His people more like Him, and Peter referred to this as “growing in grace” (2 Pet 3:18). An evangelical theologian named JI Packer offers seven propositions on holiness, five of which Pastor Kong discussed in his message.


1. Holiness is a state of transformation brought about through consecration.

The pastor explained, “Every interaction you want starts with consecration.” The term “consecration” refers to how a person feels about God in his heart, rather than what he acts. “Consecration is when you surrender yourself completely to Him, when you come near to Him.”


This is effectively explained in Romans 12:1-2. Paul speaks about Jesus’ rescuing grace throughout the first 11 chapters of Romans. The correct reaction for the Romans now that they knew Jesus’ grace was to present themselves or consecrate themselves to God as a living sacrifice.

Once a person placed his sacrifice on the altar in the Old Testament, he abandoned possession of it—that sacrifice belonged entirely to the Lord. As a result, presenting oneself as a living sacrifice entails relinquishing possession of oneself. He is set apart for God and no longer lives for his own dreams, visions, or desires.

“Something fantastic will happen if you do this,” the pastor encouraged. “You will no longer be conformed to this world, but transformed; day by day, you will become more Christlike.”

When the Holy Spirit begins to speak and show the believer how he should live his life, the believer is transformed. The believer’s thinking will eventually be regenerated, and he or she will become evidence of God’s will.

2. The Holy Spirit is the agent of holiness.

Pastor Kong said that the agent fulfills the desire. The Holy Spirit was sent to fulfill God’s goal to transform His people into more like Him.

Christians are saved by grace via trust in Christ, according to Titus 3:5. “Something miraculous happens when you place your faith in Jesus Christ: He wipes you clean.” This washing has two purposes: regeneration and renewal. Regeneration entails being reborn, and renewal entails becoming a new creation in Christ.

“Whoever has been born of God does not sin,” according to 1 John 3:6. This does not mean that a person does not sin at all, but rather that he or she quits sinning routinely and persistently, according to Pastor Kong. It also implies that sin’s hold on a person’s life has been lessened and he has been set free. “Why? Because His seed is still present in you. To put it another way, you have God’s DNA.”

A person can never be Christlike without Christ.

Pastor Kong had a talk with Pastor Don Wong, the founder of New Charis Missions, who has treated a lot of drug users. Christians are given grace to give up drugs since they are new creations in Christ, but how do non-Christians overcome drug addiction, Pastor Kong wondered?

While it is possible to conquer any addiction without God, a person will never be free from the servitude of sin, according to Pastor Don. Even if they stop using drugs, they become addicted to other activities such as gambling or drinking. Pastor Kong explained, “Because only Jesus Christ can set us free forever.”

When a Christian is reborn, he inherits God’s nature, which is why he feels guilty when he sins. “So holiness isn’t a difficult thing,” Pastor Kong explained, “it’s just living out what is innate inside you in Christ.” It is natural for every Christian to walk in holiness, just as it is natural for every human to walk.

Pastor Kong coined the phrase “vivification.” “The Holy Spirit is come to make alive, to generate, and to strengthen the Holy Spirit’s fruit inside our lives,” he explained. “When we surrender to the Holy Spirit, He takes up residence inside us. We grow willing to imitate Christ, and we have the ability to do so.”


3. The pursuit of holiness entails labor and strife.

While God provides grace and the Holy Spirit provides power, becoming more Christlike requires effort on the part of the believer. Pastor Kong shared his personal experience, saying that while some fruits are easy to grow, others are difficult.

“However, I’m encouraged because Jesus Christ learned obedience through His suffering,” the pastor said. Despite His sinlessness, Jesus had to make an effort to obey God.

“You have to be deliberate,” he advised. “You have to choose to love while you’re surrounded by nasty individuals.” When you’re in a bad position, you choose to delight in the Lord all the time.”

Regardless of the situation, Pastor Kong encouraged the church members to set their hearts to consciously react according to the fruit of the Spirit. He urged, “The Holy Spirit will train us, just as He trained Jesus.”

4. The law of God is the norm of holiness.

“God’s ultimate moral principles are the 10 Commandments,” the pastor said. “The Ten Commandments are found throughout the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation.”

Although the law cannot save a person’s soul, it can teach him about God. “What’s even more astounding is that Jesus kept them all!” Jesus not only kept all of the commandments, but He also expanded and deepened them. “It’s not just committing adultery in your actions; it’s also committing adultery in your thinking.” Pastor Kong added, “It’s no longer only the act of murder; it’s also not becoming upset.” “It’s even more difficult.”

The good news is that the Holy Spirit will work in the heart of every believer to enable them to carry out this Royal Law as true heirs of God’s Kingdom.

5. The spirit of love lies at the center of holiness.

Pastor Kong explained, “We want to be Christlike because we love God.” “If you love someone, you want to satisfy them and become like them.”

Love, on the other hand, can be deafeningly blind. The pastor continued, “So God gave us eyes so that we might see—the eyes are the 10 Commandments.” He used the example of a married woman falling in love with someone else. Although love is the greatest emotion, the law prohibits adultery.

A person must examine the Torah and Jesus in order to comprehend how love should function. “Love is His driving power; it pushes Him to exalt God and enjoy Him indefinitely.”

Pastor Kong concluded by praying for the church, saying, “My prayer for you is that this year in 2021, you will learn and experience and know the width, length, depth, and height of Jesus Christ’s love.” And as a result, you will experience all of God’s fullness as well as all of the things that you require to be added to you.”


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